16 July 2011

dia y terbaek:)

 finally done all the homeworks..fuhh for the first tyme kemas umah sowang2..besenye ade adeq n mum y tolong skali..tp sume org xde..so buat keje sowang2 sambil dengar lagu..biaselah dak audio:D..

semalam besday anak buah saye!ala sedey xdpt nak wish kat dye..harap dye da sembuh dr demam ritu..happy besday hilyatul jannah..u r already 2 years old..jgn manje2 ag k:D

talking bout abah..semalam masak megi mam sowang2, xshare ngan sape pom..sebab?
mami n mirah da tido
abah tego mam mknn xberkhasiat huhu
so jadinye plan nk share ngan k.na cancel
sb kakna duk fokus study tuk exam dye, jd xnk dye mam megi lak huhu
so alang2 da masak, makan jela, xbaek membazir heh3
mam ngan sos cili mcD seyesly terbaek!:D

abah oo abah..
ive done soo many bad things
but listening to all the things u've said last nyte
makes me feel relieved
thanxs abah

it is true when people said a dad love his child but cannot express it by himself.
dad, u do not need to express it because i see ur love inside ur heart : )

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